
Aviation Research Center
was created in 2011


20 April

Research conclusion

ARC together with D un D Centrs has finished research of aircraft engine components dynamic properties for engines vibrodiagnostic technology and complex demonstrator development. The goal was to increase flight safety and aircraft operation effectivity, as well as maintenance cost reduction. This research is a part of a Smart engineering system, transport and energy ICC project.

The result is an aviation engine vibrodiagnostics technology prototype as part of Vibropassport™ concept. The prototype is demonstrated on the aviation engine testing rig in operation mode. Scientific results can be found in the following papers:

  • A.Mironov, P.Doronkin, A.Priklonsky, I.Kabashkin, The Role of Advanced Technologies of Vibration Diagnostics to Provide Efficiency of Helicopter Life Cycle, Procedia Engineering, Proc. of the 16th Int. Conference “Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication” (RelStat 2016), 2016, Riga, Latvia.
  • A.Mironov, P.Doronkin, A.Priklonsky, V.Badekha, Advanced Vibration Diagnostic Techniques for Overhaul Costs Saving of Helicopter Engines, 42nd European Rotorcraft Forum, Lille, France, 2016.
  • Mironov A., Doronkin P., Priklonsky A. (2018) Advanced Vibration Diagnostics for Perspectives of Helicopter Technical Maintenance. In: Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication. RelStat 2017. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 36. Springer, pp. 137-149.
European Regional Development Fund


22 December

ARC accreditation

Latvian National Accreditation Office has issued Aviation Research Center credentials of conformity to LVS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standard “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories” and other applicable documents requirements in the field of aircrafts and aviation machinery aggregates and components mechanical testing using vibration and other dynamic parameters measurements.

15 November

Composite blades testing technique

New composite blades testing technique was developed aiming to mechanical properties identification and characterization in manufactural and industrial application. We plan to offer the new techniques for composite blades condition monitoring in operation. This technique can be used not only in aviation, but also in energy field for wind turbines and in other fields.

17 August

Tail rotor balancing system

ARC has developed a helicopter tail rotor dynamic balancing technology for an industrial client from Latvia. In result of projects implementation, we have supplied to the customer a workable system for tail rotor balancing made on the grounds of our facilities.


26 October

Call for offers

Aviation Research Center is announcing procurement procedures:

These procurements are needed for research conducted as part of the project "Smart engineering system, transport and energy ICC project" mentioned in the abstract dated from 20.09.2016 below.

20 September

Aviation Research Center starts new research

Aviation Research Center is providing research of aircraft engine components dynamic properties for engines vibrodiagnostic technology and complex demonstrator development. The goal is to increase flight safety and aircraft operation effectivity, as well as maintenance cost reduction. This research is a part of a Smart engineering system, transport and energy ICC project. This project Nr. is being run from 1.07.2016 - 31.12.2018. Total EU funding for the project is 3 206 250 EUR.

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2 April

Experimental monitoring system tests

Aviation Research Center together with D un D centrs is starting experimental monitoring system tests for rotating parts and aggregates of helicopter main rotor on a special testing rig. This experimental system, which uses advanced diagnostic methods developed by D un D centrs, allows to constantly cotrol the condition of rotating blades, main rotor shaft, swashplate bearing and other rotating parts.


30 October

Aviation Research Center has finished the second stage of construction

Within the contract for European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) project Nr. 2012/0009/2DP/ realization Aviation Research Center in October 2014 has finished the second stage of construction of the center and in November is planning to hand in the report for the expenses to VIAA. Construction company "JC" LLC plans to finish the construction by October 31st 2014.

30 July

Aviation Research Center has finished the first stage of construction

Within the contract for European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) project Nr. 2012/0009/2DP/ realization Aviation Research Center in June 2014 has finished first stage of construction of the center and in July handed in the report for the expenses to VIAA. Construction company "JC" LLC, as stated in the contract, plans to finish the construction in October 2014.

30 April

Aviation Research Center has announced a call for tenders

Within the contract for European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) project Nr. 2012/0009/2DP/ realization Aviation Research Center in October 2013 has repeatedly announced a call for tenders on buildings construction in accordance with technical project. Tenders offers term was 11.11.2013. On December 10th 2013 the winner was announced - “JC” Ltd. with contract for 750 501,65 LVL. In January the approval for the procurement was given from VIAA and on february 6th the conract was sealed between ARC and JC. At this point all the necessary documents are received and on April 22nd construction has started.

30 January

Aviation Research Center has prolonged the contract with VIAA

On 29 of May 2012 Aviation Research Center has concluded a contract with State Education Development Agency (VIAA, Lat.) to realize European Regional Development Funds(ERDF) project Nr. 2012/0009/2DP/ - “Advanced aviation diagnostics technologies”. In December 2013 ARC and VIAA came to an agreement and prolonged terms of the project realization until 31 December 2014.


30 October

Aviation Research Center has announced a call for tenders

Within the contract for European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) project Nr. 2012/0009/2DP/ - “Advanced aviation diagnostics technologies” realization Aviation Research Center in October 2013 has repeatedly announced a call for tenders on buildings construction in accordance with technical project. Tenders offers term is 11.11.2013.

30 July

Aviation Research Center has received ERDF funding

Within the contract for European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) project Nr. 2012/0009/2DP/ - “Advanced aviation diagnostics technologies” realization Aviation Research Center in May 2013 has received the remaining testing rigs: technical maintenance and diagnostics procedures development laboratory, based on aircraft virtual model; turboprop engine experimental research and vibration modeling complex. For delivery of these rigs, a payment request was prepared and in June of 2013 the second payment of 432 163.17 LVL was received from European Union funding.

01 May

Aviation Research Center has prolonged the contract with VIAA

On 29 of May 2012 Aviation Research Center has concluded a contract with State Education Development Agency (VIAA, Lat.) to realize European Regional Development Funds(ERDF) project Nr. 2012/0009/2DP/ - “Advanced aviation diagnostics technologies”. In March 2013 ARC and VIAA came to an agreement and prolonged terms of the project realization until 31 December 2013.

01 February

Aviation Research Center has received ERDF funding

On 29 of May 2012 Aviation Research Center has concluded a contract with State Education Development Agency (VIAA, Lat.) to realize European Regional Development Funds(ERDF) project Nr. 2012/0009/2DP/ - “Advanced aviation diagnostics technologies”. In November 2012 ARC received helicopters drive train monitoring technologies research and testing rig, as well as experimental laboratory for virtual reality models design for aviation equipment diagnostics and maintenance. In December 2012, after the delivery of the system, a payment request was prepared and in end of 2012 the second payment of 524 488.36 LVL was received from European Union funding.


01 November

Aviation Research Center has received ERDF funding

On 29 of May 2012 Aviation Research Center has concluded a contract with State Education Development Agency (VIAA, Lat.) to realize European Regional Development Funds(ERDF) project Nr. 2012/0009/2DP/ - “Advanced aviation diagnostics technologies”. In July 2012 ARC has received 2 testing rigs – main rotor hub and blade modal testing and research system, as well as working machinery bearings condition monitoring methods work-out and research system. In August 2012 a payment request was prepared and in September the first payment of 168 698.96 LVL was received from European Union funding.

16 August

Aviation Research Center has requested first payment.

On 29 of May 2012 Aviation Research Center has concluded a contract with State Education Development Agency (VIAA, Lat.) to realize European Regional Development Funds(ERDF) project Nr. 2012/0009/2DP/ - “Advanced aviation diagnostics technologies”. On August 3 2012 ARC has put in documentation about the progress for the reporting period (27.04.2012 – 31.07.2012) and a request in VIAA for payment of total 240 998.52 LVL, 168 698.96 LVL from which are requested from the European Union funding. During this period 2 testing rigs were delivered - main rotor hub and blade modal testing and research system, as well as working machinery bearings condition monitoring methods work-out and research system.

29 May

Aviation Research Center has made a contract with VIAA

On 29 of May 2012 Aviation Research Center has concluded a contract with State Education Development Agency (VIAA, Lat.) to realize European Regional Development Funds(ERDF) project Nr. 2012/0009/2DP/ - “Advanced aviation diagnostics technologies”.